College football rule changes you need to know in 2024

There will be some new rules in effect when Virginia Tech plays at Vanderbilt Saturday.
Penn State Spring Football Game
Penn State Spring Football Game | Scott Taetsch/GettyImages

As we embark on another college football season in 2024, more rule changes are going to take effect. It's not surprising as there are always some changes or tweaks each season, however, as we enter 2024 and the first Virginia Tech game, there are some rather big ones that will affect everyone.

As we close in on kick-off in Nashville for the Hokies against Vanderbilt, here are some of the new rule changes that you will see on Saturday.

Coach-to-Player Communication

This season, one player on the field will communicate with a coach, and on offense, it will be the quarterback, which means that days of signals and crazy signs are gone. Here are some key points of the rule,

  • The coach-to-player radio receiving contact will be cut off when are 15 seconds left on the play clock.
  • The player who can communicate with the coach will have a green dot on their helmet.
  • FCS teams playing FBS teams, and there are a lot of them this upcoming weekend, may utilize the coach-to-player communications for that game.

Tablets for In-Game Video

Standard tablets will be used for in-game video and like coach-to-player communication, there are some rules for the tablets,

  • Tablets are restricted to in-game video of that game only.
  • The tablets are to be used in the coach's box, sideline, and locker rooms.
  • A team can have up to 18 standard tablets in service for each game.

Two-Minute Timeout

So the NFL has the two-minute warning in the second and fourth quarters and college will implement that this season, but it's going to be called a "Two-Minute Timeout.'' Yes, it's the same situation as the NHL, but the college game will call it a timeout. The play clock will reset to 25 seconds at both timeouts.

Horse-Collar Tackle

This season, horse-collar tackles within the tackle box will be a 15-yard penalty which is a rather big new rule that players will have to adapt to.

Those are some of the new rules that are in effect for 2024 and will come into play this weekend and all season long. College football is back!

